Cult V Cult: The Myxtery

Date: January 2016
Concept: You and your cult buddies need to work together to sate the hunger of Sassarilla the demon. Sassy has a craving for you and your friends delicious mortal bodies. Create the right concoctions as a team to keep Sassy at bay. Wait though, while you do that you need create your own secret (read not secret) potions to gain favour with Sassy and save yourself leaving your friends to be devoured.
Team (5):
Blair Gray (Designer)
Caitlin Goodale (Artist)
Glenn Patrick Cullen (Programmer)
Inka Nieminen (Artist)
Michael MacKinnon (Programmer)

Platform: Windows with PS4 Controllers
Engine: Unity Engine

My Role: Programmer (Gameplay/Audio)

Extra Notes:
As part of the Global Game Jam 2016 (
The topic was ‘Ritual’.
Completed over 2 days.



Game Over
