Tag Archives: Mobile

Zombie Pirates

Date: 2018
Concept: AR game fighting Zombie Pirates
Team: 2 programmers, 2 artists, 1 audio
Platform: iPad
Engine: Unity Engine

Role: Programmer

Extra Notes:

Kids on cruise ship can borrow iPads from the operator. Then they start the game, and point the iPad at the AR target on the wall. Zombie pirates appear to burst through the wall towards the child and the child shoots their cannon at the zombies. The highest scores get recorded on monitors next to the AR target.

Networking: Team Tanks

Date: April 2016
Concept: two players operate a tank together
Team: Solo
Platform: Windows
Engine: Unity Engine

Role: Programmer

Repository: https://github.com/stuff13/TeamTanks

Extra Notes:
This was the final project for a Networking course.
The Assignment: create a networked game environment
What I developed: To add something extra, I decided to do a cross platform networked game.
A PC would act as server with two players: a player on the PC server and a player on
an iPhone using Google Cardboard.
Player 1 on the PC moved a tank around the environment and had a good clear view.
Player 2 on the iPhone using Google Cardboard moved the tank’s turret by turning the phone to look in another direction. By tapping on the screen, the player could fire a projectile into the scene.