AI Driving Date: December 2015 Concept: Driving around a track by AI Team: Solo Platform: Windows Engine: Unreal Engine Role: Programmer Extra Notes: This was the final project for an AI course. The Assignment: create top-down 2D view of a car driving along a vertical line. Provide input controls that allow you to shift the car right or left and use a Fuzzy Logic Controller to control steering the car back to the vertical line. What I developed: To add some extra challenge to my assignment, I took the 3D car driving game sample from Unreal Engine and spliced in an AI controller in place of the input controls. I then created the Fuzzy Logic Controller supported with automated tests (so I could modify the FLC if needed later with confidence) and gave it to the AI Controller. Permanent link to this post (138 words, estimated 33 secs reading time) CPlusPlus, tests, Unreal