Tag Archives: Unity

Zombie Pirates

Networking: Team Tanks
Date: April 2016
Concept: two players operate a tank together
Team: Solo
Platform: Windows
Engine: Unity Engine
Role: Programmer
Repository: https://github.com/stuff13/TeamTanks
Extra Notes:
This was the final project for a Networking course.
The Assignment: create a networked game environment
What I developed: To add something extra, I decided to do a cross platform networked game.
A PC would act as server with two players: a player on the PC server and a player on
an iPhone using Google Cardboard.
Player 1 on the PC moved a tank around the environment and had a good clear view.
Player 2 on the iPhone using Google Cardboard moved the tank’s turret by turning the phone to look in another direction. By tapping on the screen, the player could fire a projectile into the scene.
- C#,
- Mobile,
- Networking,
- Unity,
- VR

Date: October, 2015
Development Time: 4 weeks
Concept: Dreams was a first-person, action-adventure-RPG originally designed by one of the winners of the BAFTA Young Game Designers award.
Team of 17
Platform: Windows, 1st Person
Engine: Unity Engine
Role: Producer
Extra Notes:
First term course project for Abertay University master’s students.
This game’s original concept was a BAFTA Game Concept Award (10-14 yrs) winner. Abertay was asked by BAFTA to develop the game concept further. In 5 weeks, a team of masters students who had not really worked together before were to come together to develop this game concept.
It was my job to be a producer for this team and this game.